
1 - Nuenen is a town with a rich and interesting history. Nuenen was first mentioned in a document from 1300, when it was called Nuenhem, meaning "new place". It was part of the domain of the lords of Helmond, who granted it some privileges and rights. Nuenen became famous for being the place where Vincent van Gogh lived and worked from 1883 to 1885. He painted many scenes of the rural life and the local people, such as The Potato Eaters, one of his most famous works. He also painted his father’s church, the vicarage and its garden, and many other locations that can still be seen today. Nuenen was involved in a battle during Operation Market Garden in 1944, when it was liberated by the American 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division and the British 15th/19th The King’s Royal Hussars of the 11th Armoured Division. They fought against the German 107th Panzer Brigade, which had tanks and artillery. The battle was dramatized in the TV series Band of Brothers. Nuenen is now a modern town with about 23,000 inhabitants. It has a museum dedicated to Van Gogh, called Vincentre, where visitors can learn more about his life and work in Nuenen. It also has a cultural centre, a theatre, a library, and several shops and restaurants.

nlalle - 6/14/2023 10:19:38 PM