
1 - Utrecht is a city in the central Netherlands. It was founded by the Romans around the start of the Common Era and was named Traiectum ad Rhenum (Ford on the Rhine). The city has a rich history and has been home to many important events. In 1713, Utrecht hosted one of the first international peace negotiations when the Treaty of Utrecht settled the War of the Spanish Succession. Beginning in 1723, Utrecht became the centre of the non-Roman Old Catholic Churches in the world. Utrecht University was founded on 26 March 1636 and has its roots in the Illustrious School of Utrecht, which was founded two years earlier in 1634 before being elevated to the status of university in 1636.

nlalle - 6/13/2023 10:35:33 AM

2 - It is a city that has an important place among the caravaggism movements and has hosted an art movement called utrecht caravaggism. When names such as hendrick ter brugghen, gerard van honthorst and dirck van baburen, who visited Rome in the early 17th century, returned to their hometowns of Utrecht, they imitated the great master caravaggio's use of light in a wonderful way, like Rembrandt, who had never visited Italy. They helped the giant and many other Dutch painters to understand the light, technique and realism of Caravaggio.

nlalle - 6/20/2023 6:55:52 PM

3 - Since it is the middle of the Netherlands, it is possible to reach everywhere from here. Since it is a full university city, the energy of the city and the open-mindedness of the people are high. Tivoli in the heart of the city is an important cultural/art center. Many concerts and parties are held in different halls at the same time. Utrecht is a pleasant city with high quality of people and beautiful canals.

nlalle - 6/20/2023 6:56:37 PM